posted in: Aluminium, STEEL | 1

o India has a gap to close consumption wise: per capita consumption of aluminium in India is 1.5kg, compared to 12kg in China and 25kg in Europe (38kg in Germany) with a world average consumption of 8kg per capita.
o Major sectors contributing to Indian aluminium consumption growth are Electrical/Power, Building & Construction, Packaging and Transportation, expected to grow in double digits during the next years.
o The consumption of aluminium extrusion in the Automotive and Building sector in India is very low compared to that of developed countries, with expected high growth rates during the next years.
o Under the “Make in India” initiative, the government of India is set to invest over 1,000 bn USD in infrastructural projects.
o India has a need of international technology to set up new production plants to meet the growing demand for semi-finished products in its various application industries.


Source: Aluminium India

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